Housing Assignment Priority
![student and staff member](/sites/default/files/media/images/3_housingassinginfo_180x180.jpg)
The Housing Assignment Office randomly offers housing to eligible applicants who apply by the stated deadline. Housing assignments are made according to the highest preference available (based on information the student provides on the housing application). Since current UCLA housing residents reserve their housing spaces in late April for the following academic year, some housing facilities and desired room types may not be available to new students. If the student's preferences are not available at the time the offer is made, the student will still receive a housing offer for a space that is available. The majority of students live in triple rooms during their first two - three years on campus.
Roommate Matching
The Lifestyle Preferences Section on the Housing Application is extremely important as these preferences will be used during the roommate matching function in August. Students will be matched with the person(s) that best match the preferences lists. Students may update these preferences from the time their application is submitted until the housing offer is issued, by visiting the My Housing web site and clicking on the Application link.
Acceptance of Housing Offers
Once a housing offer is available online, there will be a deadline by which to accept the offer. Once the offer has been accepted, the housing contract charge will be posted to the student's BruinBill account and there will be a subsequent deadline by which to make the initial payment. Payments must be made online by the deadline or the offer will be canceled and the space reoffered to another student.
Housing offers will be sent through email. All students who are offered housing — including those students who are eligible to receive financial aid — are required to accept the offer by the stated deadline and then make the initial payment on BruinBill by the subsequent deadline. If a new student is not able to make the full initial payment by the deadline, the student may discuss the possibility of a payment agreement with the Accounts Receivable office by emailing using Ask Housing.
Department Allocation Students
All students, including department allocation students, who apply for university housing must submit a housing application with the appropriate fee and meet all subsequent deadlines to be eligible for a housing assignment.
Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities or other special housing needs can be accommodated in most, but not all, UCLA housing facilities. The Housing Assignment Office staff work closely with the Center for Accessible Education to coordinate the offer process. The UCLA Center for Accessible Education (CAE) is responsible for the administration of UCLA’s commitment to ensuring access and participation for all students with qualifying disabilities. The Housing Accommodations Board through the CAE is responsible for evaluating requests for a reasonable accommodation and/or modification in University-owned housing. Please proceed to review the CAE Housing website to submit a request for a disability-related accommodation and subsequent handbook which further explain the specific requirements and guidelines governing requests for reasonable accommodation in University housing. In evaluating the request, the Housing Accommodation Board will consult with UCLA Residential Life, the CAE, and other need-to-know individuals, as necessary, to determine whether the requested accommodation is necessary and reasonable.
Please note that a reasonable accommodation is incumbent on various factors, including, but not limited to: timing of the request being made by the student, inventory that would satisfy all, or part of, the accommodation, and students eligibility to a housing guarantee.
Current Address, Email & Phone Number
Housing Services' primary method of communication is email, so it is crucial that students keep their contact information up to date. Updates to address, email, and phone number are made online at the My Housing web site.