Improper Check Outs
To avoid being assessed additional fees for an improper check out, residents must check out by 12 p.m. on their contract end date and turn in their keycard(s) and mailbox key. If these items are not turned in on time to the UAN Administration Office or other designated check out site, the resident will be charged a $75.00 Improper Check Out fee, plus the following charges where applicable:
Lost Keycard Lost Mailbox Key Lost Hilgard Parking Permit Nightly Rate Removal/Storage Fees for items left in apartment | $35.00 $45.00 $50.00 $48.00/night $20.00/hour (2 hour minimum)/person |
Damage Charges
Please refer to the Resident Handbook for a detailed list of possible charges.
Residents may arrange for an optional pre-inspection to identify damage-related problems before moving out. To request a pre-inspection, call Facilities Management at (310) 825-3595. Pre-inspections must be scheduled two weeks prior to the resident's move out date.
Tips for a successful move out:
- Clean the apartment
- Dispose of all trash
- Remove all personal belongings
- Clean and/or vacuum the carpet (the AC has a vacuum residents may borrow)
- Patch any holes in walls
- Return all keys and any other items issued (heaters, etc.)
- Follow the instructions in the Resident Handbook.
- Submit a change of address to the U.S. Postal Service ( 2 weeks before the departure date. Once a resident has vacated the apartment, the office does not check out keys to mailboxes.