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University Apartments South Residents Association

The University Apartments South Residents Association (UASRA) was established in 1962 in order to support and further the interests of the residents of UCLA University Apartments South. The Association fee of $6.00 per apartment per month is a requirement of the terms and conditions of the rental agreement authorized at the beginning of your month-to-month agreement. The $6.00 monthly fee is paid and included with your monthly rental rate; you will see the Association fee and rent as separate line items on your housing account. 

According to its Constitution, the Association promotes the general welfare of the UA South community by:

  • Studying the needs of the UAS community and exploring with the University the means to best meet these needs.
  • Communicating to UAS residents all pertinent and essential information.
  • Planning the use of the UASRA recreational and cultural resources for the encouragement of social growth between and among residents.
  • Advising the University in the planning and use of operational resources so that proper standards of maintenance and improvement of the physical plant and facilities are made.
  • Acting as a liaison between the UAS community and associate bodies of the UCLA Administration and student government.
  • Undertaking any other activity for the advancement of the objectives of UASRA.

Every year, UASRA elects the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, Event Coordinator, Community Center Coordinator, Junior Advisory Council Chairperson and Unit Representatives for the various complexes. The annual elections are held in May and the one-year terms begin July 1st. Officers receive a monthly stipend ranging from $52-$520.
Contact information is located online at
More information about UASRA, including UASRA events and community center classes can be found on the UASRA website at
General meetings of the Association are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Community Center, 3200 Sawtelle Boulevard. Childcare and refreshments are provided at all general meetings and all residents are encouraged to attend and participate.
The Residents Association is as productive as you make it. We hope that you will choose to participate actively and help keep UA South a quality community.